--- there is no moment in life too small or simple to leave behind. Photography isn't about here and now.  It's about yesterdays tomorrow, and tomorrows 20 year anniversary.  Time is thief, and photography is a gift. 
Catch my drift? Even when life is simple, it's vast. & we all deserve to savor it forever, even when it all feels mundane. 

a photographer finding joy in the mundane

--- there is no moment in life too small or simple to leave behind. Photography isn't about here and now.  It's about yesterdays tomorrow, and tomorrows 20 year anniversary. 

Time is thief, and photography is a gift. 

Catch my drift? Even when life is simple, it's vast. & we all deserve to savor it forever, even when it all feels mundane. 


I want to be your lifetime photographer - capturing each special season as your family changes and grows. I take a connection-centered approach to my work: I don't just want to photograph you once and say goodbye.

i LOVE capturing your life year after year. 

"The two most engaging powers of a photographer, are to make new things familiar, and familiar things new. "

After photographing clients over the years and the number one thing I hear back is how comfortable they were able to feel. Comfortable in front a camera? I know right! I like my clients to feel like their session is all their own, because it really is. Need direction- you got it! Kids need extra space and time- no problem! It's really that simple. I will walk you through the process of getting the sweetest images ever. 

 my take on photographing MJP clients

About Mireya